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2 ways to reduce contact:
  1. Tap to pay.
  2. Get the Exxon Mobil Rewards+™ app and earn when you pay!

Walmart+ discount available at participating Exxon and Mobil stations. Offer subject to change. Visit to learn more.

*Based on comparison of Synergy Supreme+ gas compared to Synergy regular gas in port fuel injected engines. Actual benefits are based on continuous use and may vary depending on vehicle type, driving style, and gasoline previously used. Concentration and availability of our proprietary additive package may vary based on factors beyond our control.

†Claims apply to Exxon and Mobil Synergy Diesel Efficient-branded fuel compared to diesel fuel without detergent additive. Actual benefits will vary depending on factors such as vehicle/engine type, driving style and diesel fuel previously used.

Commercial Diesel Fleet Cards include FleetPro, EFS, FleetOne, T-Chek. Please note T-Chek will only authorize transactions at commercial truck fueling locations

‡Based on comparison of Synergy Supreme+™ premium gas to our regular gas in port fuel injected engines. Actual benefits are based on continuous use and may vary depending on vehicle type, driving style, and gasoline previously used. Concentration and availability of our proprietary additive package may vary based upon factors beyond our control.

§§Benefits are based on Synergy-branded gasoline compared to gasoline meeting minimum U.S. government standards. Actual benefits will vary based on factors such as vehicle type, driving style and gasoline previously used. Concentration and availability of our proprietary additive package may vary based upon factors beyond our control.

‡‡Based on Synergy Supreme+ gas compared to gasoline meeting minimum government standards. Wear reduction was measured by an industry standard lubricant test. Actual benefits are based on continuous use and may vary depending on vehicle type, driving style, and gasoline previously used. Concentration and availability of our proprietary additive package may vary based on factors beyond our control.

§Exxon Mobil Rewards+ Premium Status (“Premium Status”) is achieved by making three (3) “Qualifying Purchases” in a calendar month. A Qualifying Purchase is defined as a purchase of 8 gallons or more of Synergy Supreme+ fuel with the Exxon Mobil Rewards+ program. You must present and use your Exxon Mobil Rewards+ card loyalty identifier prior to making a Qualifying Purchase at participating locations. Exxon Mobil Rewards+ Premium Status Benefits (“Benefits”) begin after Premium Status is earned. You must complete three Qualifying Purchases each calendar month to maintain your Benefits. In the event that Premium Status is not maintained in the following month, you have a grace period of three consecutive months starting from the end of the month in which Premium Status was last earned before your Premium Status benefits expire. Benefits include earning double base points (for a total of 6 points per gallon) on all Synergy Supreme+ purchases after earning and while maintaining Premium Status. You will also be eligible for various Premium Status offers and experiences that are available to Exxon Mobil Rewards+ Premium Status members. To view full Exxon Mobil Rewards+ terms, please click here. Your Premium Status is non-transferrable and does not preclude you from using other Exxon Mobil Rewards+ offers, unless specified. The Exxon Mobil Rewards+ Program Terms and Conditions apply.